The command-line options for the Blast+ CLI Tools. Taken from the User Manual because the tools lack individual manpages and information is spread all over.

NOTE: documentation below applies to the 2.2 version, which is current in Ubuntu 16.04. NCBI released 2.5 in late 2016 when they switched to https for remote queries, and after recently having moved from gi to accession as the primary identifier. Features such as -gilist may have been deprecated together with the abolishment of the GI.

Table of Contents

Search Programmes

The BLAST search programmes are:

  1. blastn: nucleotide - nucleotide (regular, mega, dc-mega, short)
  2. blastp: protein - protein (regular, fast, short)
  3. blastx: nucleotide - protein (regular, fast)
  4. tblastn: protein - nucleotide translated (regular, fast)
  5. tblastx: nucleotide translated - nucleotide translated (ungapped only)
  6. rpsblast+: protein - conserved domain profiles (CDD)
  7. rpstblastn:
  8. psiblast:
  9. deltablast: sensitive protein sequence search based on psiblast

The BLAST search programmes share the following set of shared options.

Common search options

option type default description
db string none BLAST database name, searched in BLASTDB path (see Configuring BLAST+.
query string stdin Query file name, contents autodetected and autoresolved: fasta, GIs, accession numbers.
query_loc string none Location on the query sequence (Format: start-stop)
out string stdout Output file name
evalue real 10.0 Expect value (E) for saving hits
subject string none File with subject sequence(s) to search, contents autodetected and autoresolved: fasta, GIs, accession numbers.
subject_loc string none Location on the subject sequence (Format: start-stop).
show_gis flag N/A Show NCBI GIs in report.
num_descriptions integer 500 Show one-line descriptions for this number of database sequences.
num_alignments integer 250 Show alignments for this number of database sequences.
max_target_seqs Integer 500 Number of aligned sequences to keep. Use with report formats that do not have separate definition line and alignment sections such as tabular (all outfmt > 4). Not compatible with num_descriptions or num_alignments.
html flag N/A Produce HTML output
gilist string none Restrict search of database to GI’s listed in this file. Local searches only. Note that blastdb_aliastool can (1) optimise a GI list to binary and (2) create a named alias to a database filtered on a GI list.
negative_gilist string none Restrict search of database to everything except the GI’s listed in this file. Local searches only.
entrez_query string none Restrict search with the given Entrez query. Remote searches only.
culling_limit integer none Delete a hit that is enveloped by at least this many higher-scoring hits.
best_hit_overhang real none Best Hit algorithm overhang value (recommended value: 0.1)
best_hit_score_edge real none Best Hit algorithm score edge value (recommended value: 0.1)
dbsize integer none Effective size of the database
searchsp integer none Effective length of the search space
import_search_strategy string none Search strategy file to read.
export_search_strategy string none Record search strategy to this file.
parse_deflines flag N/A Parse query and subject bar delimited sequence identifiers (e.g., gi|129295).
num_threads integer 1 Number of threads (CPUs) to use in blast search.
remote flag N/A Execute search on NCBI servers?
outfmt string 0 Alignment view options (see below)

Alignment View options (outfmt values)

Note: options 6, 7, and 10 can be additionally configured to produce a custom format specified by space delimited format specifiers (see format specifiers below).

0 pairwise (default)
1 query-anchored showing identities,
2 query-anchored no identities,
3 flat query-anchored, show identities,
4 flat query-anchored, no identities,
5 XML Blast output,
6 tabular, see output specifiers
7 tabular with comment lines, see output specifiers
8 Text ASN.1,
9 Binary ASN.1,
10 Comma-separated values, see below
11 BLAST archive format (ASN.1),
12 JSON Seqalign output,
13 JSON Blast output,
14 XML2 Blast output

Search Output Specifiers

These apply to the tabular alignment view options (blast outfmt 6,7,10). Asterisks mark the defaults, which correspond to keyword std.

qseqid* Query Seq-id
qgi Query GI
qacc Query accesion
qaccver Query accesion.version
qlen Query sequence length
sseqid* Subject Seq-id
sallseqid All subject Seq-id(s), separated by semicolon
sgi Subject GI
sallgi All subject GIs
sacc Subject accession
saccver Subject accession.version
sallacc All subject accessions
slen Subject sequence length
qstart* Start of alignment in query
qend* End of alignment in query
sstart* Start of alignment in subject
send* End of alignment in subject
qseq Aligned part of query sequence
sseq Aligned part of subject sequence
evalue* Expect value
bitscore* Bit score
score Raw score
length* Alignment length
pident* Percentage of identical matches
nident Number of identical matches
mismatch* Number of mismatches
positive Number of positive-scoring matches
gapopen* Number of gap openings
gaps Total number of gaps
ppos Percentage of positive-scoring matches
frames Query and subject frames separated by a ‘/’
qframe Query frame
sframe Subject frame
btop Blast traceback operations (BTOP)
staxids unique Subject Taxonomy ID(s), separated by semicolon (in numerical order)
sscinames unique Subject Scientific Name(s), separated by semicolon
scomnames unique Subject Common Name(s), separated by semicolon
sblastnames unique Subject Blast Name(s), separated by semicolon (in alphabetical order)
sskingdoms unique Subject Super Kingdom(s), separated by semicolon (in alphabetical order)
stitle Subject Title
salltitles All Subject Title(s), separated by a ‘<>’
sstrand Subject Strand
qcovs Query Coverage Per Subject
qcovhsp Query Coverage Per HSP

Identifier Auto-resolution

The -query and -subject files can contain sequences or identifiers (GIs, accession number), which will be resolved locally and remotely. For remote resolution, DATA_LOADERS, BLASTDB_PROT_DATA_LOADER, BLASTDB_NUCL_DATA_LOADER must be set (see configuring BLAST+).

Best-Hit Filtering

Returns only the best matches for each query region reporting matches. Given -best_hit_overhang H and -score_edge E, this selects hit A over a hit B when:

  1. B’s query region extends neither end of A’s query region by more than H times A’s query region length.
  2. A’s e-value is no worse than that of B, i.e. evalue(A) <= evalue(B)
  3. A’s score over length has an E edge over that of B, i.e. score(A)/length(A) > (1-E) * score(B)/length(B)

Suggested ranges are H in 0.1 .. 0.25 (larger is more filtering but longer runtime), E 0.05 .. 0.25 (larger is less filtering).

BLASTN options

The blastn application searches a nucleotide query against nucleotide subject sequences or a nucleotide database. It has four -task options, which preset defaults values for specific types of search:

  1. megablast: for very similar sequences (e.g, sequencing errors),
  2. dc-megablast: discontinuous megablast, typically used for inter-species comparisons
  3. blastn: the traditional program used for inter-species comparisons,
  4. blastn-short: optimized for sequences less than 50 nucleotides.

In addition to the Common Search Options, these are the blastn options:

blastn option type default description
word_size integer 28(m) 11(d,n) 7(s) Length of initial exact match. Note: dc allows non-consecutive letters to match.
gapopen integer 0(m) 5(d,n,s) Cost to open a gap. See below
gapextend integer -(m) 2(d,n,s) Cost to extend a gap. This default is a function of reward/ penalty value. see below
reward integer 1(m,s) 2(d,n) Reward for a nucleotide match.
penalty integer -1(m) -3(d,n,s) Penalty for a nucleotide mismatch.
ungapped flag N/A Perform ungapped alignment.
strand string both Query strand(s) to search against database/subject. Choice of both, minus, or plus.
perc_identity integer 0 Percent identity cutoff.
dust string 20 64 1 Filter query sequence with dust.
filtering_db string none Mask query using the sequences in this database.
window_masker_taxid integer none Enable WindowMasker filtering using a Taxonomic ID.
window_masker_db string none Enable WindowMasker filtering using this file.
soft_masking boolean true Apply filtering locations as soft masks (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
lcase_masking flag N/A Use lower case filtering in query and subject sequence(s).
db_soft_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as soft mask (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
db_hard_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as hard mask (i.e., sequence is masked for all phases of search).
xdrop_ungap real 20 Heuristic value (in bits) for ungapped extensions.
xdrop_gap real 30 Heuristic value (in bits) for preliminary gapped extensions.
xdrop_gap_final real 100 Heuristic value (in bits) for final gapped alignment.
min_raw_gapped_score integer none Minimum raw gapped score to keep an alignment in the preliminary gapped and trace-back stages. Normally set based upon expect value.

Megablast specific

blastn option type default description
use_index boolean false Use MegaBLAST database index. Indices may be created with the makembindex application.
index_name string none MegaBLAST database index name.
no_greedy flag N/A Use non-greedy dynamic programming extension.

DC-Megablast specific

blastn option type default description
template_type string coding Discontiguous MegaBLAST template type. Allowed values are coding, optimal and coding_and_optimal.
template_length integer 18 Discontiguous MegaBLAST template length.
window_size integer 40 Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm

BLASTP options

The blastp application searches a protein sequence against protein subject sequences or a protein database. This table reflects the 2.2.31 BLAST+ release.


  1. blastp: standard protein-protein comparisons
  2. blastpshort: optimized for query sequences shorter than 30 residues
  3. blastp-fast: using a larger wordsize for the initial word matching as described in PMID17921491.

In addition to the Common Search Options, these are the blastp options:

blastp option type default description
word_size integer 3(p) 2(s) 6(f) Word size of initial match. Valid word sizes are 2-7.
gapopen integer 11(p,f) 9(s) Cost to open a gap.
gapextend integer 1 Cost to extend a gap.
matrix matrix BLOSUM62(p,f) PAM30(s) Scoring matrix name.
threshold integer 11(p) 16(s) 21(f) Minimum score to add a word to the BLAST lookup table.
seg string no Filter query sequence with SEG (Format: ‘yes’, ‘window locut hicut’, or ‘no’ to disable).
soft_masking boolean false(p,f) N/A(s) Apply filtering locations as soft masks (i.e., only for finding initial matches). Not for blastpshort.
lcase_masking flag N/A Use lower case filtering in query and subject sequence(s).
db_soft_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as soft mask (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
db_hard_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as hard mask (i.e., sequence is masked for all phases of search).
xdrop_gap_final real 25 Heuristic value (in bits) for final gapped alignment/
window_size integer 40(p,f) 15(s) Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm.
use_sw_tback flag N/A Compute locally optimal Smith-Waterman alignments?
comp_based_stats opt 2(p,f) 0(s) Use composition-based statistics (see below)

Composition-based stats option

value meaning
D,d Default
F,f,0 No composition-based statistics
1 Composition-based statistics as in NAR 29:2994-3005, 2001
T,t,2 Composition-based score adjustment as in Bioinformatics 21:902-911, 2005, conditioned on sequence properties
3 Composition-based score adjustment as in Bioinformatics 21:902-911, 2005, unconditionally

BLASTX options

The blastx application translates a nucleotide query and searches it against protein subject sequences or a protein database. It has two tasks:

  1. blastx: standard searches
  2. blastx-fast: larger word-size for the initial word matching as described in PMID17921491.

In addition to the Common Search Options, these are the blastx options:

blastx option type default description
word_size integer 3(x) 6(f) Valid word sizes are 2-7.
gapopen integer 11 Cost to open a gap.
gapextend integer 1 Cost to extend a gap.
matrix string BLOSUM62 Scoring matrix name.
threshold integer 12(x) 21(f) Minimum score to add a word to the BLAST lookup table.
seg string 12 2.2 2.5 Filter query sequence with SEG (Format: ‘yes’, ‘window locut hicut’, or ‘no’ to disable).
soft_masking boolean false Apply filtering locations as soft masks (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
lcase_masking flag N/A Use lower case filtering in query and subject sequence(s).
db_soft_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as soft mask (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
db_hard_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as hard mask (i.e., sequence is masked for all phases of search).
xdrop_gap_final real 25 Heuristic value (in bits) for final gapped alignment.
window_size integer 40 Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm.
strand string both Query strand(s) to search against database/subject. Choice of both, minus, or plus.
query_genetic_code integer 1 Genetic code to translate query, see
max_intron_length integer 0 Length of the largest intron allowed in a translated nucleotide sequence when linking multiple distinct alignments (a negative value disables linking).
comp_based_stats integer 2 Use composition-based statistic (see Composition based statistics option for BLASTN)

TBLASTN options

The tblastn application searches a protein query against nucleotide subject sequences or a nucleotide database translated at search time. It has two tasks:

  1. tblastn: for standard searches,
  2. tblastn-fast: using a larger word-size for the initial word matching as described in PMID17921491.

In addition to the Common Search Options, these are the tblastn options:

tblastn option type default description
word_size integer 3(n) 6(f) Word size for initial match. Valid word sizes are 2-7.
gapopen integer 11 Cost to open a gap.
gapextend integer 1 Cost to extend a gap.
matrix string BLOSUM62 Scoring matrix name.
threshold integer 13(n) 21(f) Minimum score to add a word to the BLAST lookup table.
seg string 12 2.2 2.5 Filter query sequence with SEG (Format: ‘yes’, ‘window locut hicut’, or ‘no’ to disable).
soft_masking boolean false Apply filtering locations as soft masks (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
lcase_masking flag N/A Use lower case filtering in query and subject sequence(s).
db_soft_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as soft mask (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
db_hard_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as hard mask (i.e., sequence is masked for all phases of search).
xdrop_gap_final real 25 Heuristic value (in bits) for final gapped alignment.
window_size integer 40 Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm.
db_gen_code integer 1 Genetic code to translate subject sequences, see entrez/misc/data/gc.prt
max_intron_length integer 0 Length of the largest intron allowed in a translated nucleotide sequence when linking multiple distinct alignments (a negative value disables linking).
comp_based_stats string 2 Use composition-based statistics see Composition based statistics option for BLASTN)

TBLASTX options

The tblastx application searches a translated nucleotide query against translated nucleotide subject sequences or a translated nucleotide database. Only ungapped searches are supported for tblastx.

In addition to the Common Search Options, these are the tblastx options:

tblastx option type default description
word_size integer 3 Word size for initial match.
matrix string BLOSUM62 Scoring matrix name.
threshold integer 13 Minimum word score to add the word to the BLAST lookup table.
seg string 12 2.2 2.5 Filter query sequence with SEG (Format: ‘yes’, ‘window locut hicut’, or ‘no’ to disable).
soft_masking boolean false Apply filtering locations as soft masks (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
lcase_masking flag N/A Use lower case filtering in query and subject sequence(s).
db_soft_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as soft mask (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
db_hard_mask integer none Filtering algorithm ID to apply to the BLAST database as hard mask (i.e., sequence is masked for all phases of search).
strand string both Query strand(s) to search against database subject sequences. Choice of both, minus, or plus.
query_genetic_code integer 1 Genetic code to translate query, see
db_gen_code integer 1 Genetic code to translate subject sequences, see
max_intron_length integer 0 Length of the largest intron allowed in a translated nucleotide sequence when linking multiple distinct alignments (a negative value disables linking)

RPSBLAST options

The rpsblast application searches a protein query against the conserved domain database (CDD), which is a set of protein profiles. Many of the common options such as matrix or word threshold are set when the CDD is built and cannot be changed by the rpsblast application. A search ready CDD can be downloaded from

In addition to the Common Search Options, these are the rpsblast options:

rpsblast option type default description
window_size integer 40 Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm.
xdrop_ungap real 15 Heuristic value (in bits) for ungapped extensions
xdrop_gap real 25 Heuristic value (in bits) for preliminary gapped extensions.
xdrop_gap_final real 40 Heuristic value (in bits) for final gapped alignment.
seg string no Filter query sequence with SEG (Format: ‘yes’, ‘window locut hicut’, or ‘no’ to disable).
soft_masking boolean false Apply filtering locations as soft masks (i.e., only for finding initial matches).
comp_based_stats string 1 Use composition-based statistics (see Composition based statistics option for BLASTN)


DELTA-BLAST uses RPS-BLAST to search for conserved domains matching to a query, constructs a PSSM from the sequences associated with the matching domains, and searches a sequence database. Its sensitivity is comparable to PSI-BLAST and does not require several iterations of searches against a large sequence database.

Database Management

The BLAST database & index management related tools:

  1. makeblastdb: create BLAST+ database
  2. makembindex: create index for megablast or (new) srsearch
  3. makeprofiledb: create profile database for rpsblast+
  4. blastdbcmd: read and report from BLAST+ database
  5. blastdb_aliastool: manage subsetted and multipart databases
  6. blastdbcheck
  7. blastdbcp


Makeblastdb application options. This application builds a BLAST database. Note that blastdb_aliastool can create a ‘virtual’ database by subsetting a database with a GI list, or ‘supersetting’ across a number of databases.

makeblastdb option type default description
in string stdin Input file/database name
out string input file name Name of BLAST database to be created. Input file name is used if none provided. This field is required if input consists of multiple files.
input_type string fasta Input file type, it may be any of fasta, blastdb, asn1_txt, asn1_bin
dbtype string prot Molecule type of input, values can be nucl or prot.
title string none Title for BLAST database. If not set, the input file name will be used.
parse_seqids flag N/A Parse bar delimited sequence identifiers (e.g., gi|129295) in FASTA input, so they can be used to filter queries on identifier lists. See section About Sequence Identifiers below.
hash_index flag N/A Create index of sequence hash values.
mask_data string none Comma-separated list of input files containing masking data as produced by NCBI masking applications (e.g. dustmasker, segmasker, windowmasker).
max_file_size string 1GB Maximum file size to use for BLAST database.
taxid integer none Taxonomy ID to assign to all sequences.
taxid_map string none File with two columns mapping sequence ID to the taxonomy ID. The first column is the sequence ID represented as one of the below. The second column should be the NCBI taxonomy ID (e.g., 9606 for human). First column is either fasta with accessions (emb|X17276.1|), fasta with GI (gi|4), GI as a bare number (4), or a local ID which must be prefixed with lcl (lcl|4). See section on sequence indentifiers too.
logfile string none Program log file (default is stderr).


The indexed databases created by makembindex are used by production MegaBLAST software and by a new srsearch utility designed to quickly search for nearly exact matches (up to one mismatch) of short queries against a genomic database. When a FASTA formatted file is used as the input, then masking by lower case letters is incorporated in the index. Makembindex can currently build two types of indices, called old style and new style indexing. The NCBI offers full support for the new style and has deprecated the old style. A MegaBLAST search with a new style index requires that both the index and the corresponding BLAST database be present. The index structure is described in PMID: 18567917. Please cite this paper in any publication that uses makembindex.

makembindex option type default description
input string stdin Input file name or BLAST database name, depending on the value of the iformat parameter. For FASTA formatted input, this parameter is optional and defaults to the program’s standard input stream.
output string none The resulting index name. The index itself can consist of multiple files, called volumes, called .00.idx, .01.idx,... This option should not be used with new style indices.
iformat string fasta The input format selector. Possible values are ‘fasta’ and ‘blastdb’.
old_style_index boolean true If set to ‘false’ the new style index is created. New style indices require a BLAST database as input (use -iformat blastdb), which can be downloaded from the NCBI FTP site or created with makeblastdb. The option -output is ignored for a new style index. New style indices are always created at the same location as the corresponding BLAST database.
db_mask integer None Exclude masked regions of BLAST db from the index. Use makeblastdb to discover the algorithm ID to be used as input for this argument.
legacy boolean true This is a compatibility feature to support current production MegaBLAST. If true, then -stride, -nmer, and -ws_hint are ignored. The legacy format must be used for BLAST.
nmer integer 12 N-mer size to use. Ignored if –legacy is specified
ws_hint integer 28 This is an optimization hint for makembindex that indicates an expected minimum match size in searches that use the index. If n is the value of -nmer parameter and s is the value of –stride parameter, then the value of -ws_hint must be at least n + s - 1.
stride integer 5 makembindex will index every stride-th N-mer of the database.
volsize integer 1536 Target index volume size in megabytes.


This application builds an RPS-BLAST database (which includes the files for a standard protein BLAST database). COBALT (a multiple sequence alignment program) and DELTA-BLAST both use RPS-BLAST searches as part of their processing, but use specialized versions of the database. This application can build databases for COBALT, DELTA-BLAST, and a standard RPS-BLAST search. The dbtype option (see entry in table) determines which flavor of the database is built.

makeprofiledb option type default description
in string stdin Input file that contains a list of scoremat files (delimited by space, tab, or newline)
binary flag N/A The scoremat files are binary ASN.1
title string none Title for RPS-BLAST database. If not set, the input file name will be used.
threshold real 9.82 Threshold for RPSBLAST lookup table.
out string input file name Name of BLAST database to be created. Input file name is used if none provided.
max_file_size string 1GB Maximum file size to use for BLAST database.
dbtype string rps Specifies use for RPSBLAST db. One of rps, cobalt, or delta.
index boolean true Creates index files for the standard BLAST database (equivalent to parse_seqids with makeblastdb).
gapopen integer none Cost to open a gap. Used only if scoremat files do not contain PSSM scores, otherwise ignored.
gapextend integer none Cost to extend a gap by one residue. Used only if scoremat files do not contain PSSM scores, otherwise ignored.
scale real 100 PSSM scale factor.
matrix string BLOSUM62 Matrix to use in constructing PSSM. One of BLOSUM45, BLOSUM50, BLOSUM62, BLOSUM80, BLOSUM90, PAM250, PAM30 or PAM70. Used only if scoremat files do not contain PSSM scores, otherwise ignored.
obsr_threshold real 6 Exclude domains with maximum number of independent observations below this value (for use in DELTA-BLAST searches).
exclude_invalid boolean true Exclude domains that do not pass validation test (for use in DELTA-BLAST searches).
logfile string none Program log file (default is stderr).


This application reads a BLAST database and produces reports. For every format except ‘%f’ (default), each line of output will correspond to a sequence.

blastdbcmd option type default description
db string nr BLAST database name.
dbtype string guess Molecule type stored in BLAST database, one of nucl, prot, or guess.
entry string none Comma-delimited search string(s) of sequence identifiers: e.g.: 555, AC147927, gnl|dbname|tag, or all to select all sequences in the database. See also section About Sequence Identifiers below.
entry_batch string none Input file for batch processing. The format requires one entry per line; each line should begin with the sequence ID followed by any of the following optional specifiers (in any order): range (format: from-[to], 1-based inclusive), strand (‘plus’ or ‘minus’), or masking algorithm ID (integer value representing the available masking algorithm).
pig integer none PIG (protein identity group) to retrieve.
info flag N/A Print BLAST database information.
range string none Range of sequence to extract (Format: start-stop).
strand string plus Strand of nucleotide sequence to extract. Choice of plus or minus.
mask_sequence_with string none Produce lower-case masked FASTA using the algorithm IDs specified.
out string stdout Output file name.
target_only flag N/A Definition line should contain target GI or accession only
get_dups flag N/A Retrieve duplicate accessions.
line_length integer 80 Line length for output.
ctrl_a flag N/A Use Ctrl-A as the non-redundant definition line separator.
outfmt string %f Output format, see Database output specifiers)

Database output specifiers

Note that all specifiers except %f (default) produce a single line per result.

%f sequence in FASTA format
%s sequence data (without defline)
%a accession
%g gi
%o ordinal id (OID)
%t sequence title
%l sequence length
%T taxid
%L common taxonomic name
%S scientific name
%mX sequence masking data, where X is an optional comma-separated list of integers to specify the algorithm ID(s) to display (or all masks if absent or invalxd specification). Masking data will be displayed as a series of ‘N-M’ values separated by ‘;’ or the word ‘none’ if none are available.


Optimise a textual GI list into a binary list:

blastdb_aliastool -gi_file_in gilist.txt -gi_file_out gilist.bin

Create an aliased database using a GI list (use a binary GI list or the tool will create it; note that the GI list must stay with the generated .nal file):

blastdb_aliastool -db nt -dbtype nucl -title "Subset database" -gilist gilist.bin -out subsetdb

To create a subset database for a specific taxonomy ID’, generate the GI list first. Ways of doing this:

Create an alias for a multi-volume BLAST database:

blastdb_aliastool -dblist ... -num_volumes ...



Filtering and Masking


Identifies and masks regions of low complexity in nucleotide sequences. See


Identifies and masks regions of low complexity in protein sequences. See


Identifies sequences occurring too often to be of interest to most users. See



Miscellanous Tools & Topics

Configuring BLAST+

The blast+ toolkit reads .ncbirc in current directory, user $HOME or directory $NCBI. On Ubuntu, package ncbi-data installs /etc/ncbi/.ncbirc so set export NCBI=/etc/ncbi and add a [BLAST] section having at least BLASTDB pointing to the directory/ies containing Blast databases, and optionally DATA_LOADERS, BLASTDB_PROT_DATA_LOADER, BLASTDB_NUCL_DATA_LOADER for identifier auto-resolution.

About Sequence Identifiers

Defined here as in tables below. The “lcl” and “general database reference” (gnl|MYDB|123) (at least) work for parse_seqid and will be indexed in the resulting database. Sequence identifiers can be concatenated separated by a vertical bar (who makes this up?). So for instance gi|1234|ref|NP_5432.1 would make the sequence retrievable (or filterable with -gilist) using any of gi|1234|ref|NP_5432.1, 1234, ref|NP_5432, NP_5432.1, etc. Any string following the space following an identifier will be the (unparsed) title for the sequence.

Flattened Sequence ID format

A flattened sequence ID has one of the following three formats, where square brackets surround optional elements. The type is a number, indicating who assigned the ID (numbers in table below):

  • type([name or locus][,[accession][,[release][,version]]])
  • type=accession[.version]
  • type:number

FASTA Sequence ID format

Type Description Format Example
1 Local lcl|[integer|string] lcl|123 lcl|hmm271
2 GenInfo backbone sequence ID bbs|integer bbs|123
3 GenInfo backbone molecule type bbm|integer bbm|123
4 GenInfo import ID gim|integer gim|123
5 GenBank gb|accession|locus gb|M73307|AGMA13GT
6 European Mol Biol Lab (EMBL) emb|accession|locus emb|CAM43271.1|
7 Protein Info Resource (PIR) pir|accession|name pir||G36364
8 SWISS-PROT sp|accession|name sp|P01013|OVAX_CHICK
9 Patent pat|country|patent|sequence pat|US|RE33188|1
- Pre-grant patent pgp|country|application-number|seq-number pgp|EP|0238993|7
10 RefSeq ref|accession|name ref|NM_010450.1|
11 General database reference gnl|database|[integer|string] gnl|taxon|9606 gnl|PID|e1632
12 GenInfo integrated database (GI) gi|integer gi|21434723
13 DNA Bank of Japan (DDBJ) dbj|accession|locus dbj|BAC85684.1|
14 Protein Research Foundation (PRF) prf|accession|name prf||0806162C
15 Protein Database (PDB) pdb|entry|chain pdb|1I4L|D
16 Third-party annot to GenBank tpg|accession|name tpg|BK003456|
17 Third-party annot to EMBL tpe|accession|name tpe|BN000123|
18 Third-party annot to DDBJ tpd|accession|name tpd|FAA00017|
19 TrEMBL tr|accession|name tr|Q90RT2|Q90RT2_9HIV1
- Genome pipeline (internal) gpp|accession|name gpp|GPC_123456789|
- Named annotation track (internal) nat|accession|name nat|AT_123456789.1|

BLASTN reward/penalty values

BLASTN uses a simple approach to score alignments, with matching bases assigned a reward and mismatching bases assigned a penalty. It is important to choose reward/penalty values appropriate to the sequences being alignedi, with (absolute) reward/penalty ratio increasing for more divergent sequences. Rules of thumb for the reward/penalty ratio are:

  • 0.33 (1/-3) is appropriate for sequences that are about 99% conserved;
  • 0.5 (1/-2) is best for sequences that are 95% conserved;
  • about unity (1/-1) is best for sequences that are 75% conserved.

For each reward/penalty pair, a number of different gap costs are supported. Gap cost is a value to open the gap and a value to extend the gap by a base. Default costs are:

  • MegaBLAST: opening cost is 0, extension is half of the cost of two mismatches minus one match.
  • Other tasks of blastn: 5 to open a gap and 2 to extend one base.

Table below presents the supported reward/penalty values and gap costs. Blastn also supports gap costs more stringent than those listed. Default megaBLAST gap costs are shown in the right-most column. Accurate statistics for these default megaBLAST gap costs can only be calculated for the most stringent reward/penalty values, but the values listed in the middle column can always be used.

reward/penalty gap costs (open/extend) default MegaBLAST gap costs (open/extend)
1/-5 3/3 0/5.5
1/-4 1/2, 0/2, 2/1, 1/1 0/4.5
2/-7 2/4, 0/4, 4/2, 2/2 0/8
1/-3 2/2, 1/2, 0/2, 2/1, 1/1 0/3.5
2/-5 2/4, 0/4, 4/2, 2/2 0/6
1/-2 2/2, 1/2, 0/2, 3/1, 2/1, 1/1 0/2.5
2/-3 4/4, 2/4, 0/4, 3/3, 6/2, 5/2, 4/2, 2/2 0/4
3/-4 6/3, 5/3, 4/3, 6/2, 5/2, 4/2 N/A
4/-5 6/5, 5/5, 4/5, 3/5 N/A
1/-1 3/2, 2/2, 1/2, 0/2, 4/1, 3/1, 2/1 N/A
3/-2 5/5 N/A
5/-4 10/6, 8/6 N/A


Run legacy BLAST command in BLAST+. Use --print-only to see what modern blast+ invokes instead.


Convert between GI and Gene IDs.


Reformat the output of a blast job without needing to rerun the query.
